It’s Over

The nightmare of the last four years culminating with the horrifying events of January 6th 2020 are over……. (1/13 – wellllll almost )

The dark curtain is lifting and a new day is dawning. A time of peace, light, healing. There is so much to mend, and so much work that needs to be done. But, I am hopeful at long last that we can all begin the process of treating each other with kindness and respect.

A new term for me : trump –  a noun synonymous with viciousness, vileness, ugliness, lies , ( and that would be including Nol).   I will never knowingly buy or support anyone who has supported him – including my pillow and goya products. I will never understand or want to be around  anyone who voices any support for him .

I hope never to hear or have to see him again, or have to see his ugly family again either.  Realistically, I know that they will all continue to be in the news, but I really pray that their power and obscenities will begin to fade away into their darkness. Name calling days are over.

Now – I can breathe again. It is time to move towards freedom and goodness. Time to start healing from the horrible last four years. The worst years of my life.

When something bad happens you have three choices. You can either let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you.    —– Dr.Seuss