Selling Petursdale and more Mom signs


You Got this

Packing up my home – and getting ready for a new chapter in my life in GJ. I’m overwhelmed. Twice so far she popped up on my phone from my contacts – for no reason – out of the blue.  She has been gone for about 2 years…..yet – there she was. Telling me she was there for me , watching out for me. I love you Mom. I know you’re always watching out for me somewhere.

We put our house on the market.

STRESSED, STRESSED,STRESSED. Within 2 days we got 4 offers – with one of them being a very nice price. Unfortunately the buyer did change the offer; lowered by $35k (!)  due to a sewer issue.   I felt strongly that I did not want to negotiate their new offer… although it did really seem excessive.  Good news is  that they are letting us stay there for 60 days after closing, AND they sent us a most amazing letter.  I have poured my heart and soul into this house and they got me. They loved the house, They will cherish it as much as I do. I feel like I am dreaming. But – I am convinced that once again Mom orchestrated this for me. I am never alone – she is always there. Her love remains strong, steadfast, and unconditional.  I am blessed.

the love letter:



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